INUUC and Dynamic Governance

Dynamic Governance, also known as Sociocracy, is a governance system that focuses on a group decision-making process that is inclusive, transparent and consensual. It distributes the decision making authority to each circle (team, committee) in its specific area of concern. Circles usually have 4 – 8 people so everyone can participate in the decisions. Each circle has a clear path – or aim – to follow, and there are clearly defined roles for the members of the circle:

  • leader – contact person and ensures the circle works towards its aim.
  • facilitator – moderates the meetings
  • secretary – takes notes during meetings and makes sure the circle documents are up to date. Ensures that policies and minutes are posted to the website.
  • delegate – represents the circle’s voice in the next-higher circle, which is usually either Governing or Coordinating.

Each circle makes policy decisions by Consent. Policy decisions are made only after issues are fully explored. All circle members are asked reasons for or against a proposal. A decision is considered final when there are no more “paramount objections”. “Good enough for now, safe enough to try”.      

The Governing Circle, whose 7 members are elected by the congregation, has much the same role as a traditional Board of Trustees, but with more formalized input from delegates from the Finance, Leadership Development and Coordinating Circles. The Governing Circle’s responsibilities include creating the vision and mission for both the Coordinating Circle and the congregation, setting annual goals and generally making sure the congregation is moving along in agreed directions.

The Coordinating Circle links the Governing Circle and the program circles and plays a critical role in the structure of our church. Itis composed of delegates from the main program circles (Soul Weavers, Membership, Family Ministry, Pastoral Care, Social Justice, Healthy Community, UUA Connections and Communications) and is led and facilitated by Governing Circle members. This circle is responsible for oversight and coordination of church programming and works with the Governing Circle to carry out the mission of the church.

For more information on our Governance model
(Sociocracy is another name for Dynamic Governance)

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