The Touchstones Project Journal is a monthly theme-based program that INUUC makes available free to our interested members and friends. The project is supported by subscriptions from Unitarian Universalist congregations like ours. Enjoy reading Touchstones on your own or join a monthly discussion group (see below for information).

March’s Topic: Transformation 

Here is your link to this month’s Touchstone Journal and discussion guide
(This journal is free to all members of INUUC!)

Copies of old Touchstones content can be found in our Touchstones Archive (click here)

Touchstones Small Groups provide opportunities for rich discussion and meaningful fellowship 

Join a Touchstones discussion group or start your own!

INUUC has several ongoing Touchstones small groups that meet monthly to discuss the current journal topic, in-person or virtually. 

  • INUUC provides the Touchstones Project Journal and a Small Group Discussion Guide.
  • Meetings last approximately 1.5-2 hours and are limited to about eight people to give everyone a chance to participate. 
  • Each group is free to establish the date, time, frequency of meeting, and meeting venue, including Zoom.
  • Group members practice respect for one another, confidentiality, deep listening, and openness and curiosity about differing ideas and viewpoints.

To join an existing group or to start your own, email for more information and support.