Author: Matt McHorse

Looking for Members

The Planning and Management Council for Aging and Long Term Care of Eastern Washington (the PMC for ALTCEW) is looking for members from Spokane County. ALTCEW’s most familiar work is allocating the $25+ million in Federal and State funds for the elderly and disabled throughout our region, and the PMC provides local citizen oversight and … Continue reading Looking for Members

Pastoral Care Circle

The Pastoral Care Circle has compiled a list of medical supply items which members have offered up for borrowing. Some examples are: crutches, walker, scooters, even an electric ice machine. PCC will facilitate the initial asking/questions about items. Final arrangements will be made between the asker and lender. Please email PCC at for asking, lending, or … Continue reading Pastoral Care Circle

UU Connections Circle

Our UUA Connections Circle has budgeted money so that YOU can attend GA Thursday through Sunday, June 20–23. We ask in return for your paid attendance, that you report back on what you learned and how you believe INUUC can grow from your experience. We will hold an INUUC Town Hall meeting after GA for … Continue reading UU Connections Circle

Goal Setting for Next Year

Recently we held two meetings to gather feedback and suggestions to help with our task of setting our goals for the next year. If you were unable to attend either meeting, we still want your thoughts and ideas. To submit your suggestions, use this form: If you have any feedback specifically for the Ministerial Search Team, … Continue reading Goal Setting for Next Year

What We Do Makes a Difference

(An ongoing series highlighting individual INUUC social justice activities, this one about Bob Stilger) Bob was co-founder (along with Susan Virnig) and Executive Director of Northwest Regional Facilitators (NRF) from 1974 until 2000. It was one of the early multi-purpose community development corporations in the Northwest. His work at NRF changed people’s lives, but by … Continue reading What We Do Makes a Difference

More about the Fig Tree

The Fig Tree publishes a monthly newspaper September through June covering stories of people who make a difference in the Inland Northwest. We also publish an annual Resource Directory, which is a comprehensive publication of congregations, agencies, nonprofits, government, health, environmental, cultural, human services, civic, and other resources in Eastern Washington and North Idaho. Our … Continue reading More about the Fig Tree

Looking for Members

The Planning and Management Council for Aging and Long Term Care of Eastern Washington (the PMC for ALTCEW) is looking for members from Spokane County. ALTCEW’s most familiar work is allocating the $25+ million in Federal and State funds for the elderly and disabled throughout our region, and the PMC provides local citizen oversight and … Continue reading Looking for Members

Pastoral Care Circle

The Pastoral Care Circle has compiled a list of medical supply items which members have offered up for borrowing. Some examples are: crutches, walker, scooters, even an electric ice machine. PCC will facilitate the initial asking/questions about items. Final arrangements will be made between the asker and lender. Please email PCC at for asking, lending, or … Continue reading Pastoral Care Circle