Palestine — Film Series
UUJME and INWCFPL will be sponsoring a film series at the UU Church of Spokane. Sunday evenings, 4:00–6:00 in the Chapel. The films will be free. We will have time after the films for discussion and engagement.
- Jan 28 — 1948
- Feb 4 — 5 Broken Cameras
- Feb 11 — Al Helm: MLK in Palestine
- Feb 18 — Imprisoning a Generation.
We are planning on ending the series with Israelism at a larger location to be determined. If you are interested in helping out or just want more information contact Barb Stuebing

Mardi Bras is a grassroots donation drive and fundraiser supporting both Volunteers of America’s Hope House and Transitions’ Women’s Hearth. It is coming up in February and INUUC would like to partner with Westminster again to support the event. Last year, our joint group collected the most donations in the city to help disadvantaged women of our city!
Westminster is planning to have the event/party on Saturday, February 17 from 11 to 1 p.m. in their Social Hall. In the past there have been Mardi Gras decorations and provided lunch and dessert. There also have been representatives from Transitions and Volunteers of America (VOA) to speak.
If you’re interested in helping out with this event, please contact Phyllis Thayer or Linda Moulder. We are looking for help bringing food, setting up, and clean up.