Widening the Circle of Concern Class

How we got here and what it means to be an 8th Principle community—Six Wednesdays beginning April 27-June1, 2022, 6:30 – 8pm

INUUC and the Church of the Palouse invite you to broaden your knowledge of our faith by attending a facilitated course that shares the complex story of how the UUA in 2017, came to shed a light on its internal problems and began a quest to address structural competence and accountability. The Association’s journey to learn the lessons of history and to enrich the future are documented in the book Widening the Circle of Concern which is available to download from uua.org

The book contains eleven chapters, each deserving of our attention. Therefore, our course will be a set of six weeks, a break, and a last set of six weeks. The break for this April course will be for the summer. We envision more folks facilitating the course once the first one is complete. This will be an ongoing study until the June, 2023 General Assembly, when we will vote to adopt the 8th Principle. 

To assist you in this endeavor of deep learning, each church has purchased hard copies of Widening the Circle of Concern so that you may borrow one for the course if you find reading online difficult. Our plans include teaching to every learning style and offering ways for deep connections between attendees through shared stories. Before our first meeting you will hear Paula Cole Jones, one of two authors of the proposed principle, speak to the vision of a church becoming a community or community and what that will mean to us.

Facilitators are Erin Fitzgerald, INUUC; Ginger Yoder, Church of the Palouse, and Lannie MacAndrea, INUUC.

Five spots per church are available for the first session. INUUC members, please send your registration request to lanniemacandrea@msn.com