Speaker: Rev. Tracy Springberry

Celebrating Solstice with West Hills UU Fellowship

With Rev. Tracy Springberry, Minister of WHUUF During this multigenerational service we will enter the womb dark and welcome the returning light with story, music, contemplation and joy. You can join all us INUUCs on our Zoom link (and have a little chat.) https://zoom.us/j/96984169477?pwd=V0ZLUHdLMk1FN3ZURlFOVk50cWoxdz09 Or you can join WHUUF on your own by going to: https://www.youtube.com/@whuufcommunications5006/streams

Uncertainty Is The Worst!

Zoom Service with Rev. Tracy Springberry and West Hills UU Fellowship. We will join Rev. Tracy Springberry at West Hills UU Fellowship on Zoom for a live‑streamed service titled ‘Uncertainty Is the Worst!’ People hate uncertainty. Some of us would rather endure physical pain than extended periods of uncertainty. No matter what the future looks … Continue reading Uncertainty Is The Worst!

A Hopeful, Beautiful World

Join us on Zoom as we watch this recorded service from West Hills UU Fellowship. Rev. Tracy returns from five months of sabbatical with reports of wonder, awe, and commitment to religious community.

My Stroke of Insight

with Rev. Tracy Sprinberry and Ashley Ulmer of West Hills UU Fellowship Join us on Zoom as we virtually visit West Hills UU Fellowship. A neuroscientist’s stroke allowed her to offer guidance on how to find peace and well-being in a completely scientific way. Rev. Tracy Springberry (she/her) believes in the power of religious community … Continue reading My Stroke of Insight

The Power of Love in a Loneliness Epidemic

A joint online service with West Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Martin Luther King Jr. led people who worked together to organize themselves against injustice. Today, Americans are largely isolated and lonely, leading to fear and difficulty connecting. Maybe one of the most important justice activities right now is helping decrease loneliness and build community connections. … Continue reading The Power of Love in a Loneliness Epidemic