Impermanence: How the truth of impermanence can ground our practice. Really!

This Soul Weaving Service will be a Multi-platform service, at the Rockwood Community Center and online on Zoom.

Hard to imagine; something as fleeting as impermanence can be something we can ground our practice in. The deep yearning in our hearts for peace in our world can be anchored like a small but sturdy boat in the sea of a fleeting universe by using the compass of kindness, and the sails of compassion and flexibility to direct its course. Join Thubten Semkye as she shares the truth that only by embracing, not fighting, the fleeting nature of everything including ourselves, can we truly change and develop those qualities and the skillfulness needed within us in order to navigate these troubled waters of our world and to be of benefit.

We are excited to welcome back, for the first time in-person, our returning guest speaker, Ven. Thubten Semkye from Sravasti Abbey, in Newport, WA. Ven. Semkye was the first lay resident at the Abbey in 2004 and became the Abbey’s third nun in 2007. In 2010 she received full ordination in Taiwan. Ven. Semkye draws on her extensive experience in landscaping and horticulture to manage the Abbey’s forests and gardens. She is the support lead for the Abbey’s extensive offering service team that connects and facilitates the many guests and laity that come to the Abbey to volunteer. She gives monthly Youtube talks, and helps facilitate the weekly meditation classes in Spokane when they are in session. She is a member of the local Newport Interfaith group, and volunteers at POSNA, a spey and neuter and cat care clinic for abandoned and mistreated cats. Semkye also liaisons with a number of the local food pantries. We are so pleased she could join us today!

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