Climate Justice is Social Justice: How do we get there?

Rev. Arif Mamdani

How can our climate justice work be:

  • Less isolated, more connected; 
  • Less anxious, more nourishing; and
  • Less limited; more visionary?

As climate change rocks our world, there is a spirit at work in the congregations and movements committed to justice. As we make the connections between climate and justice, we are called to re-imagine what it means to do this urgent work in community. On April 6th, INUUC joins over 350 UU congregations to collectively re-imagine love at the center of this climate justice work and how that can propel community action across all of the movement spaces that matter most. Using materials from UU Climate Justice Revival, “Reimagine Together, From an Extractive Age to a New Era” and a sermon from Rev. Arif Mamdani we’ll be uplifted and called to action in new connected ways. Please join us for a beautiful Soul Weaving service, followed by brown bag lunch and conversation, about how INUUC can make a difference in our Inland NW ‘neighborhood’ and the planet.

Rev. Arif Mamdani is the Associate Minister at First Universalist Church of Minneapolis. His commitment to justice has roots in childhood protests with his mom and extends to liberation for generations yet to come. Rev. Arif’s primary spiritual practice is Buddhist meditation. (The sermon we’ll share is one of the winners of the UU Climate Justice Revival sermon contest and was pre recorded last summer, 2024.)

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