Looking for volunteers!

As we begin our new church year, we are asking for more people to be engaged with helping with Sunday services. Church members have to set up and put away the supplies and equipment we use for the in-person services. This year we would like to have four teams of three people who agree to set up and put away. If we are able to find 12 people willing to do this, each team would only be “on duty” once every two months. It would mean being at Rockwood about 30 minutes before and staying 30 minutes after each service. You will be trained on what to do.

We are very fortunate that Rockwood employees set up chairs, provide coffee, and clean up after our services. But we need more people willing to help on Sundays. We do hope 12 of you who attend our in-person services will agree to spend one extra hour every other month to help make services happen.

To sign up or for more information, please contact Linda Moulder or Stephanie Samson.

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