Leadership Development

Recruitment for INUUC Elected Candidates

Each year at the June annual meeting, the congregation votes on the slate of new members for the Governing Circle and Leadership Development Circle. This year we are seeking five candidates for the Governing Circle, and three for the Leadership Development Circle.

The recruitment for these positions is currently in process and should be completed by the end of April. Below are the criteria we use when considering a candidate. If you wish to be considered for a position, contact Linda Moulder, Bonnie Overlie, Pam Novak, or Stephanie Samson.Criteria for Governing Circle Candidates:

  1. Member of the congregation for at least one year
  2. Experience in nonprofit entities
  3. Knowledge of and/or willingness to learn about Dynamic Governance
  4. Works well in a team
  5. Has about 8 hours a month to contribute to the GC
  6. Willing to work outside of meeting time
  7. Regularly participates in INUUC events, meetings, trainings, Sunday services, etc.
  8. Good listening and communication skills
  9. Knowledgeable about Unitarian Universalism
  10. Available to serve a two-year term
  11. Works within a Shared Ministry Model
  12. Enjoys big picture thinking, and policy and procedure creation

Criteria for Leadership Development Circle Candidates:

  1. Knowledge of and/or willingness to learn about Dynamic Governance
  2. Works well in a team
  3. Has 4 hours a month to contribute to the LDC
  4. Willing to work outside of meeting time
  5. Good listening and communication skills
  6. Knowledgeable about Unitarian Universalism
  7. Available to serve a one-year term
  8. Works within a Shared Ministry Model
  9. Regularly participates in meetings, trainings, orientations, events, etc. sponsored by the LDC
  10. Competent facilitator
  11. Comfortable recruiting volunteers
  12. Skilled in identifying, supporting, and evaluating volunteer positions

Why would I want to serve on the Governing Circle?

  • It gives you a say in the direction of the church.
  • It gives you an opportunity to learn how the church functions and makes decisions.
  • It offers a projection of your voice and values into our community.
  • It is an opportunity to contribute to this growing community.

But I’m afraid I don’t know enough.

  • You will be trained and taught what you need to know.
  • You are not isolated, having to make decisions by yourself.
  • It is a learning process for everyone who serves. You learn together.
  • There is lots of support available. 

But I don’t have time.

  • It takes about 8 hours a month: a 2-hour meeting, with about 6 hours of followup, including phone calls, emails, and information gathering.
  • This is less time than watching a movie once a week. Put the dishwasher on, make some phone calls, and dishes are done! 
  • You don’t have to be involved in everything.

If you receive a phone call, consider saying yes! We need new ideas on our Governing Circle and we need to give our current leaders a chance to rest.

  • If you could contribute 2 hours a week to improve quality of our church, would you do it?? 

The strength of our congregation is all the contributions from people with good new ideas, woven into a tapestry that creates a stronger and more beautiful congregation.  

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