INUUC Relocation Taskforce: Planning for Our Future

Over the past year, the INUUC Relocation Taskforce has been hard at work exploring options for a long-term home for our congregation. While the Rockwood Community Center has graciously provided us with a wonderful, cost-free space, we recognize that it is not a permanent solution.

Our mission is to identify and evaluate spaces that align with INUUC’s values and practical needs. We are focused on finding a space that not only supports our activities but also enhances our sense of connection, accessibility, and belonging. To that end, we’ve been exploring a variety of possibilities, including community centers and faith-based organizations that are seeking community organizations to share their space. Rest assured that INUUC members’ feedback will be sought prior to making any significant decisions.

This process takes research, and we are committed to considering all options. If you have insights or suggestions for potential venues, we’d love to hear from you! Email us at Thank you for your support as we take this vital step toward securing INUUC’s future home!


The Relocation Taskforce 

Rachelle Strawther (Facilitator), Linda Moulder, Stephanie Samson, Dan Schaffer, and Deena Romoff