Nominations and Election Process

Criteria, Process and Timeline for the Nominations and Election Process at INUUC

Submitted by the Leadership Development Circle (LDC), February 19, 2023.

If you would like more information or are interested in being a candidate, please contact us at

Criteria for Governing Circle Candidates

1. Member of the congregation for at least one year
2. Experience in non-profit entities or translatable relevant experience
3. Knowledge about and/or willingness to learn about Dynamic Governance
4. Works well in a team
5. Has 10 hours a month to contribute to the GC or more
6. Willing to work outside of meeting time
7. Regularly participates in INUUC events, meetings, trainings, Sunday services, etc.
8. Possess good listening and communication skills
9. Knowledgeable about Unitarian Universalism
10. Available to serve a two-year term
11. Works within a Shared Ministry Model
12. Enjoys big picture thinking, as well as policy and procedure creation
13. Prepared to be nimble and ready to help INUUC carry out its mission in multiple ways that transpire in a grass roots/lay led community
14. Works well with or can handle some ambiguity as we flex and grow

Criteria for Leadership Development Circle Candidates

1. Knowledge about and/or willingness to learn about Dynamic Governance
2. Works well in a team
3. Has 5 hours a month to contribute to the LDC
4. Willing to work outside of meeting time with potential to assist other community leaders/circles who need support (when the circle agrees it fits within LDC scope)
5. Possess good listening and communication skills
6. Knowledgeable about Unitarian Universalism
7. Available to serve a one-year term
8. Works within a Shared Ministry Model
9. Regularly participates in meetings, trainings, orientations, events, etc. sponsored by the LDC
10. Competent facilitator
11. Comfortable recruiting volunteers
12. Skilled in identifying, supporting and evaluation of volunteer positions

Process and Timeline

Gather information from the Governing and Coordinating Circles as well as the congregation at large regarding the Criteria, Process and Timeline for Nominations and Election Process at INUUC

LDC Finalizes Criteria, Process and Timeline
List of Potential Candidates is brainstormed

Recruitment Begins
Recruitment Process is advertised in INUUC newsletter

Recruitment Ends
Candidates are reviewed and Final Selection is Determined
Candidates and Governing Circle are informed of LDC Candidate Decisions

Gather Candidate Bios and Publish 3 Weeks Ahead of Annual Meeting

Slate of Candidates are Elected at Annual Meeting
Orientations are held for newly Elected GC and LDC members
Ritual for outgoing leadership appreciation held at Soul Weaving Sunday Service

Newly Elected GC and LDC members take office

Attend annual circle retreat

Ritual for incoming leadership welcome held at Soul Weaving Sunday Service