Faith Action Network News

The Faith Action Network (FAN) is gearing up
for the 2025 Washington Legislative session, January 13 to April 27. This will be the time to make your voice heard, to promote bills you like and lobby against bills you don’t like. FAN is here to help you understand which is which and to make lobbying more efficient as well as just plain easy. On January 5 Brianne Dilts, the Eastern Washington representative for FAN, will be available after INUUC’s in-person service to explain how FAN works. Please plan to stay and learn what you can do for our state and its citizens. Add these two dates to your calendar, January 5 and January 25, and become the best lobbyist you can be!January 5 from 4-5:00 p.m.: Advocacy 101. Register here for the Zoom meeting

In addition, consider this in-person opportunity. You will hear outstanding dialogue and get to meet the people who run many amazing social support non-profits in Spokane:

Register for the Eastern Washington Legislative Conference

FAN would like to invite you to the Fig Tree’s Eastern Washington Legislative Conference on Saturday, January 25, 8:30 a.m.–3 p.m. We are pleased to help plan this event with the Fig Tree, Spokane NAACP, Earth Ministry/WAIPL, and Catholic Charities of Eastern Washington. This year’s theme is “What does it mean to be prophetic?” Register here

Event highlights:

  • Keynote Panel with Indigenous leaders on river health and salmon restoration
  • Youth Advocate Panel
  • Policy briefings from FAN’s Policy Engagement Director, Kristin Ang, Earth Ministry/WAIPL, and Washington State Catholic Conference
  • Issue workshops, including an Advocacy 101 workshop from FAN Eastern Washington Regional Organizer Brianna Dilts, and AC Churchill of Earth Ministry/WAIPL