MMIW/P Walkthrough

Date(s) - June 27, 2024
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

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Thursday, June 27 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at Flett Middle School
(4990 W Wellesley Ave, Spokane)

The crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and People is severe and remains in our region. By facilitating events that bring together trusted community leadership, we hope to develop innovative strategies that combine resources and talent to ensure the safety and wellness of tribal communities and eradicate MMIW/P.

As of 2024, Washington was ranked second highest in the Nation for missing and murdered Indigenous women. Spokane must utilize our community strength and lead the way in bringing awareness, technological advancements, support, and education to our community and end this serious human rights crisis. Diverse groups of area community leadership in human services, local elected officials, tribal community, tribal police, student groups, and religious leaders are invited to build connections and cultivate discourse that can lead to solutions on this issue. 

Please consider joining us for this MMIW/P Walkthrough event. It will allow the opportunity to share tools and specific protocols for returning missing persons to their native communities should an emergency occur.

Learn more here