Author: Matt McHorse

Social Action at INUUC

Dear Spokane area advocates, In just a few days we will be gathering to write postcards to our legislators. I hope that you can join us January 16, 2024 from 10–11 a.m. at Westminster Congregational United Church of Christ (411 S Washington St. Spokane, WA)! We will gather and discuss issues of concern for our communities and the corresponding … Continue reading Social Action at INUUC

What is a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) and why should I care?

If you answer ‘yes’ to both those questions, it could benefit you to read on. A QCD is a charitable donation made with a withdrawal directly from your IRA and provided to a charity—such as your church. If done this way, you are not required to pay income tax on the withdrawal, which would be … Continue reading What is a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) and why should I care?

From the Minister:

Rev. Crystal’s Availability – January & February Many of you are aware that brain injury-related health challenges have been a difficulty for me this winter. These health challenges now necessitate that I reduce the amount of time I spend working in the next few weeks to accommodate my recovery. I am sad to be unable … Continue reading From the Minister:

Virtual General Assembly

Register for 2024 Virtual General Assembly GA registration is now open! Adult registration is $280, and includes access to General Assembly 2024 in the Whova event app, as well as on-demand programming, featured speakers, and major worships. Register through February 29 with a down payment of $50 by selecting the Early Bird Payment Plan at … Continue reading Virtual General Assembly

UUA and PWR Upcoming Events

Learn more or register here. A multi-day conference centered on connecting across individuals, congregations, and regions. Friday, April 19–Saturday, April 20th. Registration for in-person attendance closes on Friday, April 12, 2024.Come for a short visit or for the entire weekend. The business and programs of the Pacific Western Regional Assembly will conclude on Saturday afternoon. … Continue reading UUA and PWR Upcoming Events

Touchstones Journal & Small Groups

The Touchstones Project Journal is a monthly theme-based program that INUUC makes available free to our interested members and friends. The project is supported by subscriptions from Unitarian Universalist congregations like ours. Enjoy reading Touchstones on your own or join a monthly discussion group (see below for information). January’s Topic: Justice  Here is your link to this … Continue reading Touchstones Journal & Small Groups

From Faith Action Network:

Dear Spokane area advocates, I am so excited to be advocating alongside you all this legislative session. This short 2024 legislative session begins on Monday, January 8 and will conclude March 7. We have a full legislative agenda and we want to make sure legislators know what we care about early on!Please save the date … Continue reading From Faith Action Network: