Author: Matt McHorse

UU Connections Circle

Our UUA Connections Circle has budgeted money so that YOU can attend GA Thursday through Sunday, June 20–23. We ask in return for your paid attendance, that you report back on what you learned and how you believe INUUC can grow from your experience. We will hold an INUUC Town Hall meeting after GA for … Continue reading UU Connections Circle

Goal Setting for Next Year

Last week we held two meetings to gather feedback and suggestions to help with our task of setting our goals for the next year. If you were unable to attend either meeting, we still want your thoughts and ideas. To submit your suggestions, use this form: If you have any feedback specifically for the Ministerial Search … Continue reading Goal Setting for Next Year

Mardi Bras Is Almost Here!

Join us for the 7th Annual Mardi Bras at Westminster on Saturday, February 17 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Social Hall. Bring your donations of bras, sports bras, chest binders, underwear, deodorant, razors, tampons, and 2-hour bus passes for women experiencing homelessness in Spokane and accessing services at Women’s Hearth (daytime drop-in women’s … Continue reading Mardi Bras Is Almost Here!

Spotlighted Local Organization

The American Indian Community Center was founded in 1967 as a social gathering place for Indian and Native American people who lived in the Spokane area. Since 1967 AICC has become a comprehensive social service agency serving American Indian/Alaskan Natives and all other racial groups by providing Employment and Training Services, which attempts to match … Continue reading Spotlighted Local Organization

Relax for an Afternoon at the Airway Heights Rec Center! 

Thursday, February 15, 1 p.m. meeting time. Spend the afternoon at the Airway Heights Rec Center enjoying the sauna, hot tub, lazy river, whirlpool, warm water therapy pool, and a lap pool! There are also changing rooms and showers, with lockers to store your belongings. Andie Mark is the contact person for this event. Please contact … Continue reading Relax for an Afternoon at the Airway Heights Rec Center! 

Spotlighted Local Organization: DRW

Disability Rights Washington (DRW) We are spotlighting Disability Rights Washington (DRW). DRW is a private nonprofit organization that protects the rights of people with disabilities statewide. The mission of DRW is to advance the dignity, equality, and self-determination of people with disabilities. They work to pursue justice on matters related to human and legal rights. … Continue reading Spotlighted Local Organization: DRW

Update on the Middle East

Dr. Rob Sauders will present an update on the Middle EastWednesday, Feb. 6th at 6 p.m., at Westminster UCC.This presentation will be in-person in the Parlor and on Zoom. Dr. Rob Sauders is an Eastern Washington University Professor of Geosciences and expert on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (among other topics). He will present an explanation of the … Continue reading Update on the Middle East

Chalice Lighter Call Reminder

The Cascadia Chalice Lighter Winter Call started in December 2023 and runs through February 29, 2024. If you are an active Chalice Lighter, you have agreed to contribute at least $20 three times per year. Proceeds of this Winter Call will be used as seed money for programs and events to encourage connections and collaborations … Continue reading Chalice Lighter Call Reminder