Author: Matt McHorse

Spotlighted Local Organization

The Spotlighted Nonprofit for April and May is Our Place. The mission of Our Place Community Outreach is to respectfully welcome Spokane neighbors by providing basic needs and services, bringing hope for an improved future.  Our Place is located in the West Central neighborhood of Spokane. The team of volunteers and donors are ready to … Continue reading Spotlighted Local Organization

Touchstones Journal & Small Groups

The Touchstones Project Journal is a monthly theme-based program that INUUC makes available free to our interested members and friends. The project is supported by subscriptions from Unitarian Universalist congregations like ours. Enjoy reading Touchstones on your own or join a monthly discussion group (visit our website for more information). April’s Topic: Generosity Here is your link … Continue reading Touchstones Journal & Small Groups

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

We are happy to report we now have 14 assistive listening devices that will be available Sundays at Rockwood for our onsite INUUC services. They are the manufacturer Hamilton Buhl’s # ADL 700 model. Please see a greeter if you would like to borrow a device to amplify sound for yourself in the service. 

Spotlighted Local Organization

The American Indian Community Center was featured at our March 3, 2024 service. Their leaders shared the history of AICC which began in 1967 as a gathering place for urban Indians. Its mission is to provide comprehensive social and economic development services for all racial groups in the Spokane community, encouraging individual and family self-sufficiency, … Continue reading Spotlighted Local Organization

Here We Grow!

It’s springtime and the INUUC pledge drive is coming right up! Join Soul Weaving on April 7 for our kick-off—in person and online—to learn about how we can seed opportunities for growth in the 2024–2025 fiscal year.  Your pledge will help assure INUUC will flourish in the future.Be part of how we grow!

Artists needed

Do you quilt, weave or sew? Can you paint or do stained glass? We are looking for items to enhance the appearance of our podium at Rockwood to cover up their sign. We have made a white cover to cover the Rockwood logo and are now looking for creative items to use as an over … Continue reading Artists needed

From the Governing Circle

Earlier this month at our joint Governing Circle and Coordinating Circle annual visioning meeting, we shared this inspirational video and we felt it would be good to share with the entire congregation. This amazing video spotlights San Francisco’s Glide Memorial Church. Its courageous ministry, led by Rev. Cecil Williams, is opening doors with unconditional love beyond … Continue reading From the Governing Circle