Author: Matt McHorse

Children’s Programming

Next RE Classes: November 17 and December 15 We are holding Religious Education classes for children ages 4–12 once a month, during onsite services. The upcoming dates are November 17 and December 15. I hope the families will find they can come together on these days to have their children get to know each other and do … Continue reading Children’s Programming

Spokane Alliance Listening

Together for Change—Spokane Alliance Listening The Spokane Alliance is launching a city-wide listening season! INUUC, as a faith institution of the Spokane Alliance, will gather its members to identify the pressures they are facing in their daily lives, to find common themes and issues that we can address as one powerful Alliance. The Governing Circle … Continue reading Spokane Alliance Listening

Little Spokane River

Sunday, November 3, immediately following our service, we have a great opportunity to learn how two miles of the Little Spokane River is being protected. Please stay to hear the presentation. Glen Tana, an historic 1,060-acre dairy farm on the shores of the Little Spokane River, was once home to returning runs of native salmon and celebrations … Continue reading Little Spokane River

From the Treasurer:

I am happy to report that our beloved community is in a healthy financial position.  Many of our members have already paid their entire pledge for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025. Others are making regular monthly payments, either through the link on our website or through their own banks and credit unions. All our … Continue reading From the Treasurer:

Faith Action Network News

Initiatives – Faith Action Network Vote NO on These 4 InitiativesComing to Your November Ballot What’s at Stake?This fall there are four initiatives on the ballot that would devastate investments in K–12 education, early learning, a sustainable environment, healthy communities, and long-term care. These initiatives cut taxes and fees on big corporations and the ultrawealthy … Continue reading Faith Action Network News

Supporting our Haitian Community

Civic leaders deliver message of solidarity toSpokane’s Haitian community On Sunday, October 6, the Spokane Alliance was grateful to attend Eglise Evangelique Maranatha, Spokane’s only Haitian congregation, to deliver a letter of support and solidarity signed by over 47 organizations, leaders, and individuals. INUUC as well as 11 of its members and friends signed the … Continue reading Supporting our Haitian Community

From the Treasurer

I am happy to report that our beloved community is in a healthy financial position.  Many of our members have already paid their entire pledge for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025. Others are making regular monthly payments, either through the link on our website or through their own banks and credit unions. All our … Continue reading From the Treasurer


Initiatives – Faith Action Network Vote NO on These 4 InitiativesComing to Your November Ballot What’s at Stake?This fall there are four initiatives on the ballot that would devastate investments in K–12 education, early learning, a sustainable environment, healthy communities, and long-term care. These initiatives cut taxes and fees on big corporations and the ultrawealthy … Continue reading FAITH ACTION NETWORK NEWS