Reclaim The Vote Postcard Writing Event

As part of our INUUC social justice outreach, I am organizing a postcard writing event for BIPOC people in Texas. This is through the Reclaim Our Vote campaign and the UUA. Reclaim The Vote is a grassroots, primarily volunteer-run campaign that focuses on increasing BIPOC voter turnout through postcarding, texting, canvassing, and phone banking.

This postcard writing event will take place on October 6 after our hybrid service. All materials except stamps will be provided, including postcards, addresses, markers and a script to follow. A light lunch will be available to help us keep up our energy for this very important event. Postcard stamps are now $.57 each. I will have some stamps available to purchase, or you can buy them yourself. No stamps with flags or dogs please. My goal is to have 50 people write 15 postcards.

Packets will be provided for those who wish to work from home or with a gathering elsewhere. All postcards must be mailed by October 15. At our September 15 hybrid service I will have a sign-up sheet for those who wish to participate. You can also sign up by emailing me.

Thank you so much for volunteering for this critical campaign. Now, more than ever, we need to help those who may not have access to accurate voting information.

Bonnie Overlie

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