Go For It

The wisdom of Lao Tzu tells us,

At the center of your being, you have the answer;
You know who you are, and you know what you want.

Join us as we explore living with intention in the new year.

The Reverend Crystal Zerfoss originally hails from the East Coast but has spent the better half of her life in the Pacific Northwest which she now lovingly calls home. She completed her seminary training at Seattle University School of Theology and Ministry and most recently served the Community Unitarian Universalist Church in Pasco, Washington and the Juneau Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, in Juneau, Alaska. Rev. Crystal loves the outdoors, and she shares that when she’s not in the pulpit or working on a jigsaw puzzle, she’s likely out enjoying the water in her big, yellow kayak. Rev. Crystal is happy to regularly join us for Soul Weaving the second Sunday of every month.

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