Spotlighted Nonprofit

Odyssey Youth Movement:
Promoting equity for
LGBTQ+ youth in the
Inland Northwest since 1992

Donate today and help Odyssey provide essential programs and resources for LGBTQ+ youth & help them thrive right here in the Inland Northwest.

Odyssey’s Three Program Areas: 

Odyssey’s main focus is our youth & young adult drop-in program, featuring activities and resources for local LGBTQ+ youth and young adults. During drop-in, participants can enjoy a hot meal & snacks, activities such as arts & crafts or video games, and programs on topics such as LGBTQ+ history and cultural education. Participants can check out Odyssey’s resources at any time during drop-in.

Odyssey maintains the Basic Needs Program to help offer essential resources & support to LGBTQ+ youth and young adults in the Inland Northwest region, during our drop-in hours. Odyssey provides gender-affirming apparel, hygiene products, menstrual supplies, food and snacks, school and art supplies, safer sex supplies, bus passes, and LGBTQ+ books, as well as referrals for other resources.

Odyssey is excited to present our newest program, Inclusive Schools! This program provides guidance & resources to local LGBTQ+ students, their GSAs (Gender & Sexuality Alliances), and their supportive staff & educators. From the Odyssey GSA Fund, which provides microgrants to Spokane’s GSA clubs to help support their student-led activities, to biyearly school packets with educational resources and Pride swag items, we’re working to ensure that LGBTQ+ students have the support they need to thrive in schools.

 Odyssey Youth Movement:

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