From the Finance Circle

Now is the time we ask our Circles to formulate their budget requests for next fiscal year: July 1, 2025 thru June 30, 2026. Groups with current budgets have been sent information to help with that. If your group does not have a current budget, but does have future plans, you are encouraged to submit a budget request for the next year. Your request may be in the form of a total amount or a breakdown of specific line items. The more granular you can be in your needs, the more accurate and useful your budget will be. We urge you to plan your programs as realistically as possible and budget accordingly. We want you to support our Community’s goals with as much activity as you can handle.

Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can assist your budgeting process in any way. I’m asking for budget requests to be returned by March 7.

Linda Lynn, Treasurer

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