This year’s Mardi Bra was a great event that was held this past Saturday. INUUC and Westminister joined forces to collect 2374 items that are going to Women’s Transitions and Hope House. We heard speakers from both organization talking about the challenges of homeless women in Spokane. This is our fourth year to participate in this yearly event with our Westminster friends. Thank you to Deena Romoff, MaryAnne Winniford, Nancy Freitag, Janet Covin, Cheryl Rohrig, Patty Bedelov, Phyllis Thayer, Joyce Robinson, Lisa Bessen, Eileen Martin and Catherine, Linda Lynn, Johnna Woodruff, Frances Goodrow, and Guisela for supporting this event. I was honored to be part of this event and coordinate our INUUC supporters.
—Stephanie Samson