INUUC Growth Plan

On Sunday, February 16, your Governing Circle hosted a service to explain our goals for growth and to brainstorm ideas for additional programs, both for Sunday mornings and for other times of the week. We also had a report from the new location team detailing their progress in finding us a new home. In addition to finding a new home, we are currently working on hiring a staff person to help us develop more programming.

We had nearly 50 people in attendance and gathered a lot of great ideas.  If you have any good ideas for new programs that you would like to see, whether they be Sunday mornings, some other time on Sunday, or during the week, please let us know. And if you are willing to help plan and organize any of these events, even better! You can contact the Governing Circle with your ideas at

Keep in mind, we can only add new programs that
we have new volunteers to organize and run!

The Rev. Sarah Millspaugh from the regional staff of the UUA shared an inspirational message to start off our meeting.To view Rev. Sarah’s message, “Both Feet on the Sand: Finding Our Breath When the Waves Are Rough” use this link:

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