Speaker: Rev. Anna Marie Martin

Ostara: Pagan Celebration of the Spring Equinox

With Liz Moore and Rev. Anna Martin, lay leader Erin Fitzgerald Join us on Zoom  The earth reawakens to a burgeoning new season of life-giving, life-affirming gifts. The Equinox means “equal night” and signals balance: the day and night are each twelve hours long. As the sun becomes stronger there is a sense of joyful abundance … Continue reading Ostara: Pagan Celebration of the Spring Equinox

Samhain: Entering the Dark

Halloween is the great grandchild of Samhain, meaning “summer’s end,” the pre-Christian Celtic holiday marking the point halfway between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice. Samhain explores the increasing darkness, the thinning of the veil between the living and the beloved dead, and the mystery that every ending leads to a new beginning. Join … Continue reading Samhain: Entering the Dark

Equinox Service

We celebrate the equinox: night and day are again of equal length and in perfect equilibrium—dark and light, masculine and feminine, inner and outer, in balance. We are on the cusp of transition, and the year begins to wane, and from this moment shadows lengthen, the nights grow longer, and the days are shorter and cooler. The … Continue reading Equinox Service