I so enjoyed Rev. Crystal’s sermon, Sunday, on how even when things change, they stay the same. Not only is our faith changing with a refreshed Article Two, your Governing Circle is also changing. Ariel Ocker is taking her commitment to the Faith In Action Network (FAN) and moving to work with Linda Moulder and Lannie MacAndrea. She will be leaving her position on the Governing Circle and will act instead as a liaison to the Governing Circle for FAN. The rest of her term will be filled by Melody Holcomb; welcome, Melody!
Here is Melody’s bio:
From my beginnings, I have been happiest in the library. I find it exhilarating to research all the things I do not know. I am very proud to have gone to the 1984 Washington Democratic State Convention to vote for Jesse Jackson as a presidential candidate. My commitment to anti-racism work has led me to be involved in Fall UU Anti-Racism Learning Circles.
I graduated from Eastern Washington University; interestingly this is where a professor told me about Unitarian Universalism, so I spend time reading the UUA and the INUUC websites. I am extremely skilled at using the Apple computer for all things. I am newly vegetarian as I am trying to make my footprint smaller on the earth. I am currently exploring Spiritual Deepening through my involvement in Soul Weaving Worship and Touchstone Small Groups, and I take a weekly class practicing Non-Violent Communication.
I have always had a deep belief that volunteering is a key to happiness. It both adds to the quality of my life and is a benefit for whom I work. My goal is to be as useful as possible at INUUC. If there is some skill I do not know, I will find it exciting to learn.
The New Article Two Graphic
Rev. Crystal shared a graphic that included both the new values and the old principles, color coded to show the connection. I had a request to share it in the newsletter, so here it is.
To read the full final proposed Article 2 updated text, use this link: https://www.uua.org/uuagovernance/committees/article-ii-study-commission/final-proposed-revision-article-ii

This graphic was created by Rev. Cynthia Landrum.