Last week we celebrated the resilience, strength, wisdom, and stewardship of all our Indigenous friends and leaders. The Spokane Alliance has been working hard to move past acknowledgment and into action for Indigenous justice. In order for us to organize, we must understand the truth of the world as it is. To this end, we offer this training in “Wrestling with the Truth of Colonization” so that settlers and other non-natives are prepared to relate with our Indigenous partners.
The training is free to members of INUUC, as INUUC is a member of the Spokane Alliance. The training, which was developed by Indigenous leaders, includes an introductory briefing, five evening 2-hour online sessions on Zoom, and 3 onsite sessions presented by local Indigenous leaders and organizations.
To see the full schedule and training description and to register go to the November 14 date on the Spokane Alliance events page: