Author: Matt McHorse

Touchstones Journal & Small Groups

The Touchstones Project Journal is a monthly theme-based program that INUUC makes available free to our interested members and friends. The project is supported by subscriptions from Unitarian Universalist congregations like ours. Enjoy reading Touchstones on your own or join a monthly discussion group Learn more about our Touchstones small group program

Wild Church Leadership Course

Pastor Bob, the minister at Westminster, has had the opportunity to participate in a Wild Church Leadership course. He is offering a number of Wild Church style gatherings this year and is experimenting with following the Celtic Wheel of the Year. This includes solstices, equinoxes, and the midpoints between each. He is welcoming INUUC members … Continue reading Wild Church Leadership Course

Don’t forget to sign up for Wrestling with the Truth of Colonization, starting November 14

Last week we celebrated the resilience, strength, wisdom, and stewardship of all our Indigenous friends and leaders. The Spokane Alliance has been working hard to move past acknowledgment and into action for Indigenous justice. In order for us to organize, we must understand the truth of the world as it is. To this end, we … Continue reading Don’t forget to sign up for Wrestling with the Truth of Colonization, starting November 14

Quarterly Pledge Statements

If you have a pledge to INUUC, you should have recently received a statement by email showing your pledge amount and any payments received between 7/1/23 and 9/30/23. If you didn’t receive a statement, or if you have corrections or questions, please contact Marie Bjork either at or by phone. As a reminder—our pledges … Continue reading Quarterly Pledge Statements

Subscribe to Side with Love

Side with Love is a public advocacy campaign that seeks to harness love’s power to stop oppression. It is sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Association and all are welcome to join. Contact us at To subscribe to a variety of newsletters they put out, visit:

Nonprofit Spotlight for October

The nonprofit being Spotlighted for October and November is the Spokane Riverkeeper, which works to keep the Spokane River clean and healthy. The Spokane Riverkeeper: 1) Runs a litter pickup program that removes thousands of pounds of garbage from the edges of the Spokane River per year. 2) Advocates for the protection and health of your … Continue reading Nonprofit Spotlight for October

What We Do Makes a Difference!

(An ongoing series highlighting individual INUUC social justice activities, this one about Georgette Thornton.)    For women around the world, including Afghan refugee women in Spokane, receiving sustainable Days for Girls (DfG) kits makes a huge difference in their ability to manage their menstrual periods. Georgette Thornton knows this first hand because she works with Atia … Continue reading What We Do Makes a Difference!


a theme-based ministry programfor Unitarian Universalist congregations Learn more about our Touchstones small group program