Communications Circle Retreat Report

The Communications Circle had our annual retreat on September 13. The members of the circle are Lee Dominey, Erin Fitzgerald (Leader), Scott Fitzgerald, Linda Moulder, and Amy Teel (Secretary).

We used a Welcome and Hospitality Critique Tool that Linda Moulder found for us on the UUA website. This tool allowed us to look at many aspects of communication in our community and how we might improve. This tool turned out to be a time saver as we went over each area of communication in our congregation, where we were doing well, and what our growing edges are. We discussed Newsletter, Website, Advertising/Marketing, Social Media presence and our Reputation in the larger progressive community. 

For the newsletter, we decided to stay with a weekly format for the time being. We realized a monthly newsletter plus weekly updates would be more total work for Scott. In addition, not all of our circles have access to information at the beginning of the month that needs to go into the newsletter.

Another item that we discussed is creating a shared administration yearly calendar with all administration tasks for the year. We also had two items that we did not get to: Breeze and Merchandise. These two items will go on our agenda for next month’s meeting. 

Monthly meetings of the Communications Circle on are on the second Wednesday of each month at 3 p.m. If you would like to attend a meeting, you can reach the entire circle at Our next meeting is 10/11/23. 

Here is how everyone could help out our circle: we are building a photo library on our website and we need any/all photos that you have taken of our community. Please send your images directly to