Call for Graces & Dragons
What Is This All About?
Choir Director Deb Jacquemin and Priestess Jet Tilley are once again combining their energies to offer the sacred Winter Solstice Singing Ritual on December 21. Currently, a choir and the narrators/readers are rehearsing. Details are being worked out about the ritual space. However, as the light fades, the rite approaches and Graces & Dragons need to be identified.
What Does It Mean to Be a Grace or Dragon?
Graces & Dragons help create and maintain a container for the experiences of those who attend the rite. G&Ds invite ritual attendees to enter the Mystery of the Winter Solstice and manifest its Celebration. G&Ds are the first envoys of a sacred guided journey where attendees encounter what it means to “step between the worlds.”
You do not have to be a pagan to be a part of the G&D group. You do need to understand this rite is a ritual—a participatory experience—not an entertainment. And, you must know the watchwords for the evening are attend & enjoy and act accordingly.
All G&Ds must attend a dress rehearsal (Tuesday, December 19) unless arrangements are made well in advance. Preparation is vital in order to do our work together.
What Are the Tasks of Graces & Dragons?
The following tasks are examples. Exact tasks to be determined after space details are completed. This list could shrink or expand.
- Smudgers/Aspersers
- Greeters/Ushers
- Dragons/Door Keepers
- Offering Collectors
- Altar Candle Lighters
- Money Handlers
- Candle Lighting Tenders
No matter the final list of tasks, all G&Ds are charged with holding the energy of the space within the ritual circle. This may mean standing. It does mean paying attention, refraining from chatting, and remaining unobtrusive. Many years ago a dear friend reminded us it is powerful to pause for silence in the darkness. It is in this spirit attendees will be invited to follow the example of all G&Ds and remain quiet/silent while inside the ritual space.
I hope you will join our fabulous contingent of G&Ds. Please do pass along this call to anyone you think might be interested. And, let me know ASAP if you want to join or need more information.
Thanks, blessings & cheers!