Governing Circle Report

Hello INUUC,

Thank you so much for a wonderful year. I have enjoyed learning what it means to be a Governing Circle president and now that I have just gotten the hang of it, I will be passing the hat. It was an honor to serve in this capacity. Thanks for your words of appreciation along the way and your patience with me as I navigated the many responsibilities. I will now be serving on the Leadership Development Circle and plan to continue my work with Soul Weaving.

We had our final GC meeting of the year last Thursday and we determined the new leadership of the circle. It is with excitement that I announce that Kathryn Alexander will be your new Governing Circle Leader, MaryAnne Winniford will be the Facilitator, Ariel Ocker will be the Secretary and Scott Fitzgerald will be the delegate to the Coordinating Circle. (FYI: Leader and Facilitator are the proper terms within dynamic governance and translate roughly to President and Vice President.)

I wish them and the whole Governing Circle well on their journey and extend so much gratitude to them all for serving INUUC in this way.In community,
Sara Bauer